Check calls vs. check-in technology

Check calls vs. check-in technology

Published July 22, 2024

3 minute read

Manual check calls are one of the most common methods used to monitor the safety of employees who work alone. Check calls are commonly scheduled at timed intervals throughout the day or before and after entering a work site.

While manual check-ins are perceived to be low cost and low resource, there are a number of challenges that arise when relying on check calls alone.

Typical challenges of check calls

Long response times

If an accident or incident occurs, an employee won’t be alerted until the time of check-in. This could be a couple of hours or even an entire working day depending on check-in intervals. Locating the employee could then take several more hours if their exact location is not known.

Following an injury, response times are time-critical and an injury could be severely worsened by the time an employee is finally located.

False alarms and complacency

Effective check-ins rely entirely on the lone worker remembering and carrying out check-ins at the required times. A busy schedule or complacent attitude could cause them to forget or fail to check in, causing a false alarm.

It is then up to the monitor to follow up on a missed check-in but they too could easily forget or become complacent, particularly if they are used to receiving false alerts.

False alarms can also easily be caused if an employee’s phone loses power. Unless they have remembered to call or text their employer to warn them, this will lead to false alarms.

False alarms are likely to cause time and resources to be wasted trying to chase up and locate the employee or could even prevent monitors from responding to a genuine alarm.

Lowers productivity

Stopping work to make a phone call can be time-consuming and distract from the work at hand. For the supervisor, monitoring a group of lone workers and calling each one back if they miss a call is also incredibly time-consuming and will cost the business.

Lowers engagement

If a lone worker is carrying out client meetings or sessions, stopping the meeting to make a phone call will be distracting and can affect the quality of the service for the client. If the meeting is sensitive in nature, this could be particularly troublesome as the client could be upset by the action.

Alternative options

Fortunately, there is a range of low-cost, technology-based check-in solutions on the market today that address the challenges of manual check-ins. EcoOnline offers an app which not only allows lone workers to check in at the touch of a button but also monitors their safety status in real-time and allows them to send a number of alerts if they are in need of immediate assistance.

How does EcoOnline's lone worker app overcome the challenges of manual check-ins?

Response times

  • As well as missed check-in alerts, EcoOnline's lone worker app offers a range of alert options such as panic, discreet panic and duress so that the monitor can be alerted as soon as an accident or incident occurs
  • Beginning a session or sending an alert on the app, brings up a lone worker's accurate GPS location so that locating them and responding to an alert is quick and effective

False alarms and complacency

  • Our lone worker app helps to tackle the issue of false alarms by sending audible reminders to the lone worker when they are required to check in
  • If a missed check-in is triggered, the monitor will be alerted via email, text and optionally, via a phone call, reminding them to take action
  • EcoOnline's lone worker app also sends a low battery alert to inform the monitor when the app user's battery is about to run out. This way they can remind them to charge their phone and will be aware that a missed check-in may be false


  • Not only is pressing a button to check in quicker than making a phone call but check-ins can be performed at any time during the interval, resetting the clock. This means the lone worker can check in at the most suitable time, for example, between meetings, during a break or when work is less busy.
  • Our lone worker app can also be paired with a wearable button that can be worn around the wrist, or neck or attached to clothing and used to check in quickly and without having to stop a job.


  • Tapping a button on an app is much less intrusive than making a phone call during a one-on-one meeting. If, however, taking out a phone still seems distracting, EcoOnline's wearable panic button can be used to check in discreetly.

Find out more about the benefits of protecting your employees with a lone worker app

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Author Helen Down

Helen has worked within the health and safety industry for nearly a decade and has a background in growth marketing within the SaaS space. Throughout her career, she has written extensively about health and safety, risk, legislation, and lone working.

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