Making a Business Case for COSHH Digitisation

Making a Business Case for COSHH Digitisation

Published August 11, 2023

2 minute read

It’s time to join the future of safety by going digital. Meeting the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) requirements with paper or spreadsheets can be challenging.  

Maintaining and managing documented information using this approach can be extremely time-consuming and prone to human error. Not to mention the lack of transparency into your chemical management program and information siloes that are created. And that’s just the beginning! 

Streamline your chemical safety management with digital safety software. Not only can it help simplify your journey to COSHH compliance, but it can also help your organisation meet its chemical objectives. Read on to discover the positive impact of digital safety software on your business and how you can effectively build a business case to senior leaders for COSHH digitisation.  

Why Going Digital Matters

You probably know the importance of COSHH and COSHH compliance, but it may be difficult to prove the importance of a digitised system to decision makers and team members in your organisation who have been doing things a certain way for a long time. But don’t worry! We’ve outlined the following points which can help you build your case.  

1. Stay proactive and drive performance

The health and safety of your teams is of the utmost importance. Using a digital system will help enhance your incident management processes, improve efficiency and drive performance. How?  

With chemical management software, you gain a 360-degree view of all potentially hazardous substances used in your organisation. This helps you build a COSHH risk profile for each of these substances, allowing you to evaluate the risks. This will help you prioritise areas of concern and act quickly by implementing the necessary corrective actions.  

Always stay on top of hazards with clear insight into all risks and control measures needed on-site. A digitised approach will help you reduce risk and stay proactive more efficiently, driving chemical safety performance at your organisation.  

Man in white jumpsuit with chemicals

2. Keep your organisation compliant

COSHH software will also help you stay compliant with all COSHH requirements. Digital systems offer built-in programs which provide guidelines to help you stay compliant with specific regulations, as well as access to a team of experts. Follow a step-by-step outline of requirements needed to remain COSHH compliant and make sure your chemical safety program meets all standards.  

Software solutions also provide access to COSHH risk assessments which have already been approved by specialists and experts in the field. This will help you save time and effort in drafting your own and allow you to focus on keeping your employees safe from exposure to hazardous substances.  

3. Bring your employees together

A digitised safety tool will help boost communication and bring your employees together. Using a paper or Excel-based chemical safety program can create siloes within your organisation where information is not easily accessible or shared. A digital chemical management software will help break down these siloes and enhance communication. Instantly share new updates or alerts with teams about new policies, hazards, corrective actions or more at any time with a software solution.  

Having a mobile option is an added plus as you can place safety within the palm of your employees’ hands, allowing them to conduct their duties wherever they may be. Not only can this help empower them, but it can also help strengthen your organisation’s safety culture.  

Your Guide to Building a Business Case for COSHH Software

Now that you know the importance of going digital and the positive impact it can have on your organisation, it’s time to start building your business case for COSHH software. In our eBook, Making a Business Case for COSHH Digitisation, we explore how you can influence decision makers and users within your organisation, how to build a business case proposal including key elements to include, what to consider when shaping your proposal, and much more.  

Access your free eBook now and join the future of chemical safety by going digital.  

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Author Dina Adlouni

Dina is a Content Marketing Manager at EcoOnline who has been writing about health and safety, ESG and sustainability, as well as chemical safety for the past four years. She regularly collaborates with internal subject matter experts to create relevant and insightful content.

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