Managing your workplace occupational health with software
Did you know Info Exchange have a Workplace Occupational Health module?
Each year, millions of workers suffer from illnesses endured through work, with the most common being stress or musculoskeletal conditions such as back pain.
Occupational Health in the workplace ensures the health, safety and welfare of workers is protected by employers. Organisations have a duty of care to their staff to do what is reasonable and
practical in ensuring the safety of their employees.
Implementing software allows businesses to seamlessly integrate employee health records and any recorded illness or injury through a digital process. Our platform allows users to report and capture
medical surveillance data, as well as tracking and analysing trends in absences or health issues, to ensure the proactive implementation of positive changes to the working environment to better
serve the workforce.
Collect and manage data about the workplace occupational health including exposure levels, reports and preventative measures.
Features include:
- DSE Assessments
- Comply with regulatory and policy requirements including OHSA
- Health Surveillance
- Occupational Health Referrals
One of our key clients, Story Contracting, have shared best practice with us, explaining how and why they use our Workplace Occupational Health module. Story Contracting have recently introduced
the module for the detailed and reliable reporting functionality.
Sharing best practice – Story Contracting
Three years ago, Story Contracting decided that instead of outsourcing their medical information to an occupational health provider, they would move it in-house to improve and increase the service
they provided.
We spoke to Samantha Pratt, BI & Systems Analyst, from Story Contracting to find out why they chose EcoOnline Info Exchange for their Workplace Occupational Health module, and what they’re
hoping to gain from digitalising their processes.
Can you tell us why you decided to adopt software to help manage your occupational health?
Sharon McAdam, our Occupational Health Partner, set up a system covering policies and procedures via several spreadsheets. After a year of running this way, it became apparent that we needed a more
intelligent system to assist in our work. We reached a point of having so many scheduled medicals, referrals and certificates to monitor, that spreadsheets were no longer the most effective way of
Why did you choose Info Exchange?
Following a successful implementation for our health and safety systems, we concluded that extending our usage to include occupational health was the best solution.
What difference has implementing Info Exchange made to how you manage Occupational Health?
From the initial scope to developing and testing, we have now been live since the beginning of May and it’s absolutely fantastic. Even for our non-technical users, it’s so easy to use and intuitive
that nobody struggles. We can now quantify the numbers for scheduled reporting and monitor how many fit for work certificates are issued. As a result, our Occupational Health and HR
departments are able to download monthly reports from the system, using this information to forecast for the next three years, based on previous work and what we’re expected to carry out.
We can instantly highlight any issues on a daily basis. The system is excellent, and continually changing. We can speak with Joe and the team at EcoOnline whenever, to improve and implement
according to our current needs.
Find out how Info Exchange can help your organisation become safer, healthier and stronger.
Would you like to share your plans for using Info Exchange in the future? If so, please get in touch by email [email protected].