A huge administrative burden reduced to an efficient, digital and transparent solution.
About Multiplex
Multiplex is a leading global construction company, with its headquarters based in Sydney, Australia. They specialise in high-rise and high-end residential buildings. With a focus on achieving long term, steady growth, it’s imperative that Multiplex manage their permits and contractors effectively when doing so.
Increasing efficiency in the management of Permits to Work
For such a large organisation, it comes as no surprise that Mulitplex handle over 350 permits per day across their six UK sites. Historically, permits to work were managed manually using notepads. Not only did this create a huge administrative burden for the business, but it also led to disparate systems and discrepancies across the records they maintained. This in turn resulted in more time spent on administration in order to rectify the issues.
This process required significant human intervention, was hugely time consuming and resulted in significant potential for mistakes to be made as a result of human error. It also meant that Multiplex had limited visibility of the status of their contractor workforce in real time.
In order to reduce this administrative burden, Multiplex decided to implement a software solution to manage their Permit to Work process and chose to implement Info Exchange.
By adopting the software platform, Multiplex were able to have an overarching view of their supply chain and now have the ability to look at the status of all permits and filter by that status, such as approved or rejected. The transfer of the management of this from Excel to Info Exchange has also meant that Multiplex are minimising the delays that had previously occurred with their manual systems.
The implementation of the software also means that Multiplex have access to review all permits remotely. Not only has this made a previously laborious task much more manageable, it also means that there is no longer a dependence on a desktop, laptop or even an internet connection for the technical managers, resulting in them having a level of transparency that wasn’t previously available.
Multiplex has been extremely impressed with the efficiencies and scope of Info Exchange, and as a result they are now rolling out additional modules to support their wider supply chain and EHSQ strategies.
Hannah Daly
Account Manager, EcoOnline Ireland
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