Finding Support & FAQ | EcoOnline

Get In Touch

Take your EHS and chemical safety processes to the next level. Our team of experts are here to answer any questions and help you determine the best products based on your organisation's unique needs.

Let's chat

Hannah Daly

Account Manager, EcoOnline Ireland

Need Support?

Some text about what to expect when reaching out!!

Opening Hours

Support is open every weekday from 9am-5pm

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Frequently asked questions

I don't have a username and password

If your business is a customer of EcoOnline, you can consult with your system administrator to check if you can be added as a user. It may be that this requires extra licenses, if so then please send a request for this  to

I don't remember my username or password

On the same page that you log in, you will find a button called “Forgot your username and password”? Click here and enter the email address you have registered with us and follow the instructions you receive by email. If you do not have an e-mail address, please contact us at

I want to see what products have been added to the substance register from a given date

Select “Local Search” and then select “Advanced Search”. Set up the time period you would like to search for example “from x date – to y date.” 

We're located in 11 countries

Aldgate Tower

London (Head Office)

(+44) 20 8133 4551

Aldgate Tower 
2 Leman Street
London, UK E1 8FA 

new ecoonline toronto location


+44 (0) 131 662 4342

Orchard Brae House
30 Queensferry Road,
Edinburgh, EH4 2HS

new ecoonline toronto location



EcoOnline North America,
20 Bay Street, 11th Floor,
Toronto, Ontario,
M5J 2N8