Employee safety in Australia's blackspots

Employee safety in Australia's blackspots

Published 21 July, 2024

2 minute read

Employers have a duty of care to all employees – but the lack of countrywide signal coverage can make it difficult to keep some workers safe – especially in an emergency.  

Mobile coverage is only available to around 27% of Australian landmass, meaning that nearly three-quarters of the country is in a mobile signal black spot. 

As coverage is centered around populated areas and highways, 99% of the population can get a mobile signal – as long as they don’t go off the beaten track.  

But what if you have employees who work or travel within a signal dead zone? 

OSH regulations require that isolated employees have a means to call for help in an emergency, and that regular contact can be made to ensure they are safe.  

But if they can’t get a mobile signal, meeting this requirement becomes more difficult. 

Lone worker safety

Lone workers can be at an increased risk of harm, as any risks are faced alone. To mitigate this, many organisations choose to implement a specialist lone worker safety solution, such as an app or panic button so that their employees can signal for help quickly in an emergency. 

Lone worker safety apps are one of the most popular choices, because most employees already carry a mobile phone. In fact – the number of lone workers using connected safety solutions is expected to be close to 2 million by 2025. 

Apps are also popular because they combine a lot of tech and features into one, often incorporating a panic button, GPS location tracking, fall detection alerts, and timed welfare checks within the one application. 

The only problem is lone worker apps run on smartphones; and smartphones need mobile signal to work. If your staff need to go into areas with no connectivity, you’ll still lose contact.  


EcoOnline's lone worker solution, powered by StaySafe, can protect your staff, wherever they are

EcoOnline's lone worker solution, powered by StaySafe, gives employers visibility of the location and safety status of lone workers in an emergency and allows them to check-in safely once they have finished a lone working or travel session. 

It can also be used via the iridium satellite network, which provides 100% global connectivity. 

 StaySafe’s Satellite Mode, powered by Garmin, allows you to monitor and safeguard your team, even in areas with no mobile coverage.  

To use the StaySafe app in satellite mode, all you need is a paired Garmin device. When paired, our intelligent system automatically switches to using Garmin when no other signal is available, guaranteeing uninterrupted connectivity. 

This means your employees can continue using the app on their phone with no interruptions, whether they are connected via Wi-Fi, data, or satellite. 


Why choose EcoOnline's lone worker solution, powered by StaySafe?
  • 100% signal coverage using the iridium network 
  • Easy to use solution 
  • Seamlessly switches between all available connections to maintain communication  
  • Satellite mode is compatible with all StaySafe features including panic alerts, welfare checks, fall detection, quick start and driving mode
  • Data sovereignty – all data is kept within jurisdictional boundaries 
  • Full on-boarding and on-going support from a dedicated Customer Success Team

Check out our solution today.

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Author Helen Down

Helen has worked within the health and safety industry for nearly a decade and has a background in growth marketing within the SaaS space. Throughout her career, she has written extensively about health and safety, risk, legislation, and lone working.

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