Case Study - Moorabool Shire Council
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Ensure the safety of lone workers

Discover Moorabool Shire Council use the lone worker app to provide staff with effective protection whilst lone working 

Moorabool Shire Council is a regional local authority based in Australia. Employees in a number of roles such as nurses, statutory planners and outdoor workers, often have to work alone so the council has implemented EcoOnline's lone worker solution, powered by StaySafe, to protect them.

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Want to hear more about how they did it? Then read on: 


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The Mission

Protect staff who were exposed to risk while working alone in rural areas.

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The Solution

The lone worker app's panic feature coupled with its low signal mode ensures staff safety.

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The Impact

If an incident does occur, staff feel protected wherever they may be.

"There’s been a good response from our staff since introducing EcoOnline, particularly from the nurses  who use the app whenever they conduct home visits."

Ajay Ramdas, Risk Officer, Moorabool Shire Council 

The Story

Moorabool Shire Council recognised that some of their staff were being exposed to a number of risks during their working day and wanted to ensure they had some form of protection whilst working by themselves. Nurses frequently conduct home visits alone to check on new mothers and give immunisation jabs. Similarly, statutory planners often have to do site inspections at different locations. Employees who work out in the community can often face risks such as violent or hostile behaviour from the public. 

Although it was encouraged for staff to work in pairs, this wasn’t always possible. After an incident where a worker became unwell at work and had to call a supervisor to let them know, Moorabool Shire Council decided to look into solutions that could give staff a way to quickly signal for help should they need to. 

Prior to the Lone Worker App, powered by StaySafe, the council relied on supervisors conducting regular check-ins with staff  to ensure their safety and wellbeing but managers soon realised that this system wasn’t robust enough and decided to look for something more sophisticated. As Moorabool Shire Council is a regional authority, staff are often working in areas that are rural with limited signal coverage. This opens up a number of new risks as staff may find it difficult to call for help during an incident. After a successful trial with EcoOnline's lone worker solution, powered by StaySafe, Moorabool Shire Council decided to adopt it into the organisation. 

Since partnering with EcoOnline, employees can now use the app to check-in with managers and let them know they are safe throughout their working day. EcoOnline's lone worker app, powered by StaySafe, allows employees to start a timed session within the app before beginning a period of lone work or travel, if an employee fails to end their session safely, a session expiry alert will be sent to the monitor.

EcoOnline's lone worker app, powered by StaySafe, panic feature allows staff to send an alert when they feel threatened and assistance can then be sent to their exact location. A panic alert can also be triggered discreetly using the phone’s power button, allowing an alert to be raised from the user’s pocket or handbag without the assailant knowing. This is a great feature for staff who often have to work out in the community where environments can be unpredictable. EcoOnline's lone worker app, powered by StaySafe, man down alert ensures that if an employee has not moved for a period of time, a non-movement alert is triggered in case there has been an accident. 

For staff that work in rural areas with little to no coverage, EcoOnline's lone worker app, powered by StaySafe, offers a low signal mode which allows communications to be sent to the hub via SMS. Alerts and session functions will continue to operate as usual, with location data updating if an alert is triggered. 

Ajay Ramdas, Risk Officer at Moorabool Shire Council comments, “there’s been a good response from our staff since introducing EcoOnline, particularly from the nurses  who use the app whenever they conduct home visits. EcoOnline's team were fantastic during the implementation process and both Matt and Sylvia made sure to answer any questions we had. Both staff and supervisors feel confident that if an incident does occur, we have the necessary protection in place to ensure our employees are kept safe.”

Take charge of lone worker safety with EcoOnline

Our lone worker software solution and app (powered by StaySafe) allows employers to safe guard their employees who work alone.

If you are looking for a solution that:

  • Is easy-to-use and roll out to your organisation
  • Enables staff to check in wherever they are in the field
  • Lets you quickly locate employees in an emergency

 Then use the banner below to check out more  👇

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