Case Study - Siemens Healthineers
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Providing better protection for their lone working staff

Discover how Siemens Healthineers has provided their staff with peace of mind through EcoOnline's lone worker solution, powered by StaySafe

Siemens Healthineers is a medical manufacturer who provides diagnostic, imaging and advanced therapy equipment to hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Their enterprise services manage medical devices and provide operational management equipment on a number of different sites. The company operates in over 70 countries and employs around 71,000 employees worldwide. 

Siemens Healthineers employs engineers to oversee sites and maintain and repair medical devices usually in a hospital setting. As maintenance work is often reactive, engineers will typically be on call 24/7 and may have to work alone at times that are less sociable, such as bank holidays and evenings. Staff that work during these times are often more at risk from violence and aggression from the public without the security of other people being present. There was also the risk that engineers could have an accident whilst carrying out repairs or servicing equipment. Managers at Siemens Healthineers were concerned that if an engineer was injured or involved in confrontation, they may not be able to get the assistance they required fast enough. 

Want to hear more about how they did it? Then read on: 




employees worldwide


years in medical technology

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The Mission

Gain a complete oversight of risk in the business, while effectively managing data.

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The Solution

The Info Exchange platform connects multiple data endpoints, bringing all the information together.

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The Impact

Business is managed using a risk metric rather than a performance metric.

“We’re pleased with how well the StaySafe app has integrated into our service delivery. It’s easy to use and the fact it’s scalable means we have the ability to roll it out to other projects as they come onboard. The team were great in helping us get up and running and made sure the questions we had were answered. We’re confident that our staff have the protection they need when working alone.”

Shaun Webb – MES Manager – Siemens Healthineers

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The Story

The organisation began looking into solutions that could provide their staff the protection they needed. Before StaySafe, the organisation was using a different system to manage the safety of their employees but managers were keen to find something that was modern, easy to use and had a more sophisticated interface. They were also looking for a solution that had full traceability and could be tailored to their company structure and size. After being recommended the StaySafe app by another division of the company, Siemens Healthineers decided to trial the solution. They were impressed with how precise locating staff on the hub was and the simplicity of starting and ending sessions. After their trial period, Siemens Healthineers were convinced that the StaySafe solution was the best option for them. 

Since partnering with StaySafe, engineers are now able to start timed sessions quickly and easily from their mobile phones whenever they are working alone. Once a session has been started, managers have a full overview of where their staff are. If an employee fails to check-in safely during a lone working session, has an accident or raises an alert, managers will be able to send help to their exact location. 

For staff that find themselves working at times which are considered higher risk, StaySafe’s panic alert feature offers them the ability to notify a manager if they are in a dangerous situation or if they need assistance. The app also has a man down feature which sends an alert to managers if an employee has not moved for a certain period of time. This feature is particularly useful for staff that work alone or in areas which are isolated. Engineers now feel much safer knowing that they have the app with them whilst working alone and managers have peace of mind knowing they are fulfilling their duty of care. 

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