EcoOnline Blog

Five facts about Satellite devices every employer of remote workers need to know

Written by Helen Down | 21. July 2024

Lone workers often find themselves in remote locations where access to assistance may be difficult to come by. This makes it hard to contact others for help in the case of an emergency.

That's why a lone worker solution should be in every employee's pocket, particularly one which is equipped with satellite tracking. Satellites have helped save lives in the past (read more about this in fact three!) and continue to save lives today.

Find out what every lone worker employer should know about these devices and how they can be the missing piece to an effective remote worker monitoring system. 

5 facts every lone worker employer should know about satellite devices


1. The Satellite Navigation System Market is predicted to be worth $75.5 billion by 2028  


If you’re not already using satellite tracking to keep your remote workers safe, the chances are you will be soon. According to a report by MarketsandMarketsthe current Satellite Navigation System Market is estimated to be worth an incredible $61.1 billion and is projected to reach $75.5 billion by 2028. The rising demand for accurate location-based services, and the integration of satellite tracking into various industries, are major drivers of this growth. 

2. 60% of employees believe GPS tracking improves safety, efficiency and accountability

While some employers and employees are skeptical about using GPS in the workplace, when used strategically – and legally – GPS tracking devices can have many benefitsAccording to research60% of employees who have used GPS tracking in the workplace believe it improves safety, efficiency and accountability. In fact, one in two employees believe it builds trust in the workplace. 


Read more about the benefits of satellite tracking in our blog.

3. Satellites helped save 397 lives in 2022

Satellite tracking is a life saver. NOAA satellites, which are crucial in weather and climate forecasts, helped rescue 397 people from potentially life-threatening situations last year. Since its launch in the early 80s, COSPAS-SARSAT, a satellite-based monitoring system that detects and locates emergency beacons, has been credited with supporting more than 50,000 search and rescues worldwide.  


4. Satellite GPS trackers can alert search and rescue within five minutes of raising an alarm

Speaking of search and rescue, the use of satellite trackers has significantly improved the speed of search and rescue operations worldwide. If you are using a personal locator beacon (PLB) equipped with GPS tracking, the average notification time to reach search and rescue is just 5 minutes   


5. There are 9000 active satellites orbiting the Earth

The number of satellites is growing at an incredible pace. As of 2023, there is an estimated 9,000 active satellites orbiting the Earth. This number is expected to increase to 60,000 by 2030.  

Bonus fun fact: active satellites are not the only objects orbiting the Earth. There are also over 100 trillion untracked pieces of old satellites circling the planet – scientists call this debris ‘space junk’.  

The bottom line...

Using a satellite tracker can help to better protect your remote workers. EcoOnline's lone worker solution, powered by StaySafe, gives your employees a quick and easy way to signal for help in an emergency and receive assistance to their exact location – no matter where they are in the world.

Find out more about your duty and legal obligation to keep your lone workers safe and how EcoOnline's lone worker solution can help elevate your approach.