EHS Software

Protect your lone workers 24/7 with our lone worker software powered by StaySafe.

Quickly and easily locate employees in an emergency and send immediate help with our lone worker software, app and solutions.

“I really find this a great and easy user-friendly system, easy to teach new users.”

Bill D
Senior Site Manager

“User friendly Chemical Inventory list with easy access to SDS.”

Remy H
Senior Engineer

“This is a must for any business.”

Mandy H
Health and Safety Manager

Gain a real-time view of your lone workers’ safety

Our Lone Worker software, app and cloud-based monitoring hub is used by hundreds of clients and tens of thousands of users worldwide who testify to its ease of use, reliability, and flexibility. We also provide wearable technology and satellite tracking devices for remote employees.

easy to use

Easy to use

privacy mode

Maintain personal privacy

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More coverage than any other lone worker app

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Minimal upfront investment

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Comprehensive training, onboarding & support

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Lone worker hub

Our Lone Worker solutions keep over 100,000 employees safe globally every day


Trusted by 11,000+ customers worldwide

With knowledge from 90 different industries, we have developed our platform to make sure it tailors to your needs.

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