Guide to lone working | EcoOnline

Guide to lone working

Our comprehensive lone worker guide covers everything you need to know about lone working, including risk assessments, policies, legislation and safety solutions.


Contents of the guide

Our guide to lone working covers everything you need to know about staff working alone including:

  • lone worker definitions
  • lone worker risks 
  • lone worker legislation 
  • lone worker solutions

From identifying the lone workers in your organisation to the risks and hazards they face in different environments, our lone worker guide will ensure you know how to keep your staff protected and meet your legal duty of care, including how to choose a lone worker solution.

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Chapter 1

What is a lone worker?

The definition of a lone worker is anyone working without the direct and immediate support of supervisors or colleagues.

What is the HSE definition of a lone worker?

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) defines lone workers as “those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision.”

What is classed as lone working?

If an employee cannot be seen or heard by a colleague, they are a lone worker – whether that be for all or part of their working day. This also includes staff who work from home.

Lone working can constitute a wide range of job roles across any industry. Traditionally, the phrase ‘lone worker’ would likely conjure images of an employee working in complete isolation, such as a security guard manning a building at night, or an engineer carrying out maintenance in a remote area. While this may be true for some job roles, lone working doesn’t always mean completely alone.

When identifying lone workers in your organisation, it is important to consider ‘hidden lone workers’ in situations which may be overlooked, such as:

  • Those working on the same site but out of sight and sound of a colleague
  • Colleagues working alone in different parts of a building
  • Employees left alone for periods while a colleague takes a break
  • A single employee working late after everyone else has left the worksite
  • Anyone working alone but alongside members of the public or in populated locations
  • Staff travelling alone during work hours
  • Staff members who work from home

Who is a lone worker?

There are many different jobs that involve lone working. Lone workers can be found across every industry, in various job roles, anywhere in the world.

Some roles commonly utilizing lone workers include:

  • Utilities: remote engineers, meter readers, field service staff, maintenance and repair staff
  • Housing: estate agents, surveyors, housing officers, housing agents, social workers
  • Healthcare: health visitors, paramedics, nurses
  • Charities and not-for-profits: outreach and community workers
  • Retail and hospitality: shopworkers, keyholders, cleaners, security guards, sales representatives
  • Construction: labourers, builders, repairmen
  • Corporate businesses: office workers working from home or remotely

How many lone workers are there in the UK?

The number of lone workers in the UK is on the rise, with the total running at around 8 million. This figure is likely to increase year on year. Technological advances mean that jobs that used to require a team can be done by an individual with specialist equipment and meetings that used to have to be conducted face to face can be done remotely. We are also better at identifying lone workers, with the HSE recognising home workers as lone workers for the first time in their latest guidance.


Source: British Safety Council

What are the roles of lone workers?

Lone workers are employees who do not have direct supervision when carrying out their duties. Sometimes work is undertaken in areas which are remote, or one-to-one with members of the public or clients. 

Lone workers can be at additional risk from violence, aggression or injury as there is no one there to raise the alarm in an emergency. 

Workers who are particularly vulnerable to violence and aggression are often those who are public-facing, such as social care workers, paramedics and security guards. 

Other job roles are more susceptible to accidental injury, for example, construction workers, engineers, field service workers and delivery drivers.

However, it is important that despite these additional risks, lone workers should feel protected. An employer has to ensure that reasonable steps are taken to mitigate any risks they face.

Lone worker security

How can you ensure the security of your lone workers? Follow these five steps:

  • Ensure a risk assessment is completed before any work is carried out
  • Correct health and safety strategies and training are executed
  • It is an employer’s responsibility to conduct relevant and thorough training for their lone workers
  • Ensure lone workers are wearing protective and conspicuous clothing, such as Hi-Vis jackets if working underground or late shifts
  • Keep a record of where staff are, when and who they are with or implement a specialist solution that can do this for you

Our Lone Worker solution has been designed to give visibility of employees’ locations when they are working alone and enable them to signal for help in an emergency.

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Chapter 2

What are the hazards of lone working?

The most common hazards faced by lone workers vary according to industry and job role. However, the top causes of workplace accidents, incidents and fatalities are fairly consistent around the world.

Lone working hazards include:

  • Violence and aggression from clients or members of the public
  • Spills, cables and other tripping hazards
  • Working at heights such as ladders, scaffolding and roofing
  • Operating machinery and equipment
  • Working with electricity, chemicals and other harmful substances
  • Heavy lifting, repetitive movements and vibrations
  • Working around vehicles
  • Driving for work

According to HSE statistics 2021/22:

  • 123 workers were killed at work 
  • 0.6  million  working people sustained an injury at work according to the Labour Force Survey
  • 61,713 injuries to employees were reported under RIDDOR

The biggest risk factors in the workplace

The biggest workplace risk factors for employees in the UK are accidental injury, acts of violence or a health emergency.

The most common cause of injury was slips, trips and falls (33%) followed by handling, lifting or carrying (18%). Being struck by a moving object (10%), violence (8%) and falls from height (8%) were also significant causes of non-fatal workplace injury. 

A health emergency, such as a heart attack or stroke, can occur anytime and requires immediate medical assistance.




Source: HSE 2022/23

Violence at work

Violence and threats are even more common than sustaining injury at work. According to Violence at work statistics, 688,000 incidents of violence were reported by employees in 2019/20.

38% of these resulted in injury, most commonly severe bruising. Other injuries reported by staff included stab wounds, broken bones, nose bleeds, broken noses, lost teeth, dislocation, concussion or loss of consciousness, internal injuries, and facial and head injuries. 


Source: HSE Violence at Work 

Who is most at risk from violence at work?

The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) showed that respondents in protective service occupations (such as police officers) faced by far the highest risk of assaults and threats while working, at 8.4% – 6 times the average risk of 1.4%. Health and social care specialists and health professionals also had higher than average risk at 3.9% and 3.3% respectively. 

According to the CSEW, these professions have consistently had higher than average risk rates over the last number of years. Other professions with higher than average risk include other managers and proprietors at 2.9%.

As an employer, you have a duty of care to ensure that all staff are safe at work, no matter what their role is. Risk Assessments can help you understand the specific dangers faced by your employees in different situations and enable you to put measures in place to mitigate any risks.

What are the risks of lone working?

Workplace hazards such as injury or violence can be an increased risk to lone workers because there is no one to intervene or call for help in an emergency.

How many lone workers are attacked every day?

The British Crime Survey estimates that as many as 150 lone workers are physically or verbally attacked every day in the UK alone. Unfortunately, lone workers are more vulnerable to violence and aggression due to the nature of their work or being seen as easier targets.

The Lone Worker Landscape Report also revealed that 68% of organisations have experienced an incident involving a lone worker in the past three years. 

Not only can attacks result in physical injury, but violence towards lone workers can result in stress, anxiety, fear and depression. This in turn can lead to sick leave, loss of confidence low productivity and problems with staff retention.


Source: HSE Violence at Work 2019/20

How high risk is lone working?

Lone workers face similar types of risks to non-lone working employees – however, as any risks are faced alone they are more vulnerable.

Lone working is considered a higher-risk activity for a variety of reasons. Lone workers may be more susceptible to attack because they are seen as easy targets. If they suffer an accident or other emergency, there is no one with them to help or call for assistance. A lone employee may take on more physical work, such as lifting than they are capable of because no one is there to help and then hurt themselves as a result.

What types of risks do lone workers face?

The main risks associated with lone working include people, environmental risks and ill health.

People risk

Unfortunately, lone workers are at higher risk of violence and aggression and are often regarded as easier targets. This could be down to the nature of their work, such as working with vulnerable members of the public and behind closed doors (social, housing and outreach workers for example) or working with large amounts of money (retail, bar, hospitality and security staff).

A survey conducted for Suzy Lamplugh Trust found that 81% of lone workers are concerned about violence and aggression. Of those surveyed, one in ten had been punched, kicked or suffered another form of violent attack. According to the Crime Survey for England and Wales, an estimated 1.5% of working adults have been the victim of one or more violent incidents at work.

Environmental risk

Lone workers are at risk from workplace hazards such as slips, trips and falls, heavy lifting and electrocution. Working alone poses a challenge in regard to receiving immediate assistance and medical support if an accident does occur.

Ill health

Similarly, if a lone worker suffers from a medical emergency such as a heart attack or fainting, receiving immediate support and alerting emergency services could prove difficult without nearby colleagues, particularly if working remotely or out of sight and sound.

Risks of lone working in different environments

Different environments pose different sets of risks for lone working staff and in many industries, the dangers faced by staff – especially violence – are increasing. Here we examine the risks posed in some common lone working roles.

Many lone workers visit clients in their homes, placing them at higher risk of violence, aggression and hostage situations, particularly if working with vulnerable individuals. 

Entering a client’s home comes with an element of the unknown. There could be aggressive animals present in the home, trip hazards, aggression and hostility from individuals within the property and potential alcohol and substance abuse.

In a study published by the BMJ Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 22% of domiciliary care workers reported at least one incident of verbal abuse by clients or their relatives in the previous 12 months. Heightened risk factors included cramped client living conditions, clients with dementia and limited mobility. Interestingly, workers with predictable working hours had a 26% lower risk of being verbally abused – indicating that workers who have changeable rotas are at an increased risk.

Other community workers such as social workers, community nurses and charity workers are also vulnerable to similar risks. This can be particularly true for those working in environments where drugs, alcohol and mental health issues could be involved.

Many community workers also drive between appointments and so are at risk of being involved in a road traffic accident whilst at work – especially those who drive at night. 

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Chapter 3

Lone worker legislation

What is lone worker legislation in the UK?
The health and safety legislation applying to lone workers in the UK follows the rules for all other employees and places employers under a legal obligation to comply in full. The main legislation is set out in the Health and Safety at Work Act, but there are 13 further pieces of legislation designed to protect people at work. See more about Health and Safety at Work.

The main regulations for health and safety are as follows:

The Health and Safety at Work Act
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAW or HSWA) sets out the general health and safety duties of employers and employees ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’ – meaning putting in place policies and procedures that mitigate risks that can be foreseen in advance. 

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require employers to carry out risk assessments, implement safety procedures, appoint competent people and invest in appropriate training.

COSHH stands for the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. COSHH covers chemicals, fumes, dusts, vapours, mists and gases, as well as nanotechnology and germs.

RIDDOR stands for Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations. The records that organisations are legally obliged to maintain cover accidents which are fatal or cause-specific serious injuries. Reporting must also include any occurrence of industrial diseases and any potentially harmful incidents.

Hazard symbols
HSE provides clear guidance on the use of labels and warning signs about dangerous substances. Specific pictograms should be used for chemicals which are explosive, flammable, oxidising, corrosive, acutely toxic or pressurised gases. Any materials which are hazardous to the environment or human health also need labelling and signage.

Who regulates lone worker legislation in the UK?
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is Britain’s national regulator for workplace health and safety. It prevents work-related death, injury and ill health. The HSE is a key source for lone worker safety information, providing a wealth of guidance to ensure that businesses adhere to the Health and Safety at Work Act and regulations.

The Health and Safety Executive summarises the legal responsibilities of organisations in five points:

  • Assessment of risks to employees, customers and anyone else who could be affected by their activities
  • Effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of preventive and protective measures
  • Producing a written health and safety policy if they employ five or more people
  • Making sure they have access to competent health and safety advice
  • Consulting with staff about risks at work, prevention and protection

Is lone working legal?
Working alone is completely legal and is usually safe to do so. However, all employers hold a legal responsibility to protect their lone workers and ensure that they are safe when carrying out work activities. The HSE states that: “It will often be safe to work alone. However, the law requires you to think about and deal with any health and safety risks before people are allowed to do so”.

What is my duty of care to lone workers?
According to Mooneerams Solicitors: “An employer owes his employees a duty of care in common law. By common law we mean that the ‘duty’ is not written down in an act of Parliament but one that has come about due to custom i.e. a practice that has become law over some time. The common law duty of care can be defined as ‘a duty to take care of you whilst you are at work’. He must take reasonable care of your safety, avoid exposing you to unnecessary risks and ensure a safe system of working”.

In practical terms, this means individuals responsible for employees in an organisation, are required to proactively identify, assess, control and monitor work tasks and the workplace environment. Risks should be identified and all reasonable steps taken to eliminate risk.

Where risk cannot be eliminated, the risk must be minimised as far as is reasonably practical.

What is my responsibility when it comes to lone workers?
HSE Guidelines state that as an employer, you must manage any health and safety risks before people can work alone. This applies to anyone contracted to work for you, including self-employed people.

You can help to reduce the risks to lone workers by:

  • Conducting thorough lone worker risk assessments
  • Producing a written health and safety policy and ensuring all employees understand it
  • Taking steps to reduce or eliminate risk to create a safe working environment
  • Providing information, instruction, lone worker training and supervision where appropriate
  • Regularly reviewing and improving upon lone worker risk assessments and policies

Many employers also use specific lone worker solutions to ensure their staff are safe and can quickly call for help in an emergency. The prevalence of smartphone use has led to a move away from devices – lanyards with a panic button for example – towards apps, as employees already carry a smartphone with them daily. Police have also issued warnings over the use of lanyards.

20% of all lone worker solutions in Europe, and more than 40% in North America, are now app-based. EcoOnline's lone worker safety app gives employers visibility of the location and safety status of lone workers in an emergency.

What are the legal responsibilities of lone workers?

The responsibility for working safely does not rest solely with employers. Lone workers are legally obliged to take care of their health and safety at work and to make sure that anything they do does not put other workers or members of the public at risk.

Health and safety law also applies to many self-employed roles, especially any which involve taking on new staff, trainees or apprentices.

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Lone worker legislation – what are the penalties?
Not adhering to health and safety regulations in the UK is a serious offence. On 1st February 2016, the UK passed the Health and Safety Act 2015, which further increased the severity of penalties for non-compliance. The main changes were:

1) A move from outcome-based sentencing to risk-based sentencing
Previously, prosecution was based on the outcome of an accident or incident. However, the new sentencing guidelines are based on the exposure of risk to individuals. This means that if an employee is exposed to a risk that could result in injury or death, the business can be prosecuted before an incident occurs

2) Increased fines
Fines for health and safety breaches increased dramatically (starting as high as the millions) and are now given for risk exposure. For example, corporate manslaughter fines for large companies increased from a starting threshold of £500,000 to £7.5 million.

3) Lower threshold for imprisonment
If an employer is aware of a health and safety breach in the business that could or has caused injury or death and has not taken action to rectify it, they could face 6-18 months of imprisonment.
Failure to comply with health and safety legislation is likely to lead to;

  • Large fines reaching as high as millions
  • Additional costs associated with compensation, resources and legal costs
  • Lost reputation and ultimately business
  • Stop work orders
  • Imprisonment of the individuals found responsible

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What must the employer of a lone worker do?

Carry out a lone worker risk assessment

Risk assessments for lone working are a basic legal requirement and should be carried out for all employees. When carrying out a risk assessment for lone working staff, you must consider hazards related to the work being carried out, the people they come into contact with and the different environments they travel through and work in.

Produce a lone worker policy

Following on from your risk assessment, you will need to produce a safety policy for your lone workers. A lone working safety policy is a guide that will set out your company’s rules on working alone and help your employees to understand the risks of their role. It should also provide them with practical advice and instruction on how to safely work alone.

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Provide lone worker training

For lone working staff, training is particularly important as they work in environments where there are no colleagues around to provide a helping hand or point out a mistake that could lead to an accident.

News stories regularly point out lack of training as a contributing or sole factor for serious workplace injuries and fatalities.

Training for lone workers is incredibly important for a business to implement as it can:

  • Prevent accidents caused by improper work practices or techniques
  • Prevent serious incidents of violence by defusing potentially violent situations
  • Prevent escalation/severity of an accident or incident by knowing how to respond
  • Challenge complacent attitudes amongst lone workers
  • Create a positive health and safety culture
  • Increase wellbeing, confidence and productivity
  • Help you meet your legal duty of care to lone working staff
  • Help you avoid the financial costs related to accidents and incidents

Implement a lone worker solution

Lone worker solutions are specialist products that are designed to monitor staff safety and give employees a quick way to signal for help in an emergency. They can help employers not only to meet their duty of care to staff but also ensure staff feel protected and cared for whilst at work.

Our Lone Worker Software is an app-based solution that is used by employers to protect their staff. It provides lone workers with a panic button and a range of alerts so they can summon help immediately – to their exact location – in an emergency.

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Chapter 4

Who can work alone?

Legally, anyone can work alone as long as a risk assessment has found that it is safe to do so. Lone working is usually completely safe once extra procedures have been put in place to minimize the additional risks lone workers face.

However, there are some instances where lone working should not be permitted if the job is high risk. For example, operating machinery which requires more than one person, visiting clients where there are concerns about violence or other environments where aggression is common, such as betting shops.

Can someone with medical conditions work alone?

To determine whether someone with a medical condition can work alone, you will need to consider employee medical conditions as part of your risk assessment and ensure there are procedures in place to protect them.

Employers should seek medical advice for specific employees if necessary. You should consider both routine work and foreseeable emergencies that may impose additional physical and mental burdens on an individual.

Can an apprentice work alone?

An apprentice can work alone if it is safe to do so. Employers have the same responsibility to apprentices as they do any other employee. Therefore, they hold primary responsibility for the health and safety of the apprentice and are required to carry out risk assessments and put in place measures to manage any dangers.

Can a 16-year-old work alone?

A 16-year-old can work alone if the organization employing them has conducted a risk assessment and found it safe to do so. Young people under 18 have different employment rights from adult workers, including where and when they can work so you must ensure you refer to specific guidance if you employ under 18’s.

When is lone working not allowed?

Certain situations can put lone workers more at risk than others and in some circumstances, it may be better to not allow lone working at all. For example, some mental health care workers must work in pairs at all times when visiting certain patients as it has been deemed unsafe to go alone. It is down to you to ensure that you have undertaken a thorough risk assessment and if you cannot sufficiently mitigate the issues raised, then allowing lone working could put you in breach of your duty of care.

Supervising lone workers

HSE guidance states that employers should ensure that they maintain regular contact with lone working employees and have a way to call for help in an uncomfortable or emergency situation. Lone working solutions, including apps and wearable technology, can ensure that these requirements are met by providing lone working staff with a means to contact their employer, check in safely and raise the alarm in an emergency.

Chapter 5

Lone worker risk assessments

Conducting risk assessments is an integral part of adhering to health and safety legislation and meeting your duty of care to lone workers.

Lone workers face a range of hazards and risks on a daily basis, that can differ from those based in a fixed or office environment.

What is a lone worker risk assessment?

A lone working risk assessment is a process of identifying and assessing risks associated with a job role carried out by a lone worker. When carrying out a risk assessment for lone working staff, you must consider hazards related to the work being carried out, the people they come into contact with and the different environments they travel to and work in. The purpose of the assessment is to identify what needs to be done to control health and safety risks for your lone workers

What is a dynamic risk assessment?

A dynamic risk assessment is the process of identifying risks in the current environment. Unlike a traditional risk assessment, which is done in advance, a dynamic risk assessment is the practise of mentally observing, assessing and analysing an environment ‘on the spot’. This is an important skill that enables employees to make decisions regarding their safety in any situation and one you should consider providing additional training on.

Are lone working risk assessments a legal requirement?

Lone working risk assessments are a basic legal requirement and should be carried out for all employees. It is often kept as part of your Lone Worker Policy.

How do I create a lone worker risk assessment?

Your lone working risk assessment should contain:

  • The hazards identified
  • Who might be harmed and how
  • The procedures already in place to prevent harm and;
  • What further action you will take to reduce the risk

It's also useful to include on your written report who carried out the risk assessment, the date it was carried out, the date of any next steps and when the next review is due.

Chapter 6

Lone working policy 

Following on from your risk assessment, you will need to produce a safety policy for your lone workers. A lone working safety policy is a guide that will set out your company’s rules on working alone and help your employees to understand the risks they may face.

What is a lone worker safety policy?

Lone workers require their policies and procedures to ensure they are protected from any specific risks and hazards. A lone worker policy is an official written document that covers the risks faced by lone working staff and the responsibilities of both the employer and employee in ensuring that lone workers can work safely.

It includes your lone worker risk assessment and practical instructions, as well as any details on any lone worker solutions in place and how to use them.

Tips for creating your lone working policy

Creating your lone working policy is an important task and we understand that sometimes it can seem daunting. Getting your lone workers on board is perhaps the greatest challenge which is why we have put together these tips for creating your lone worker safety policy.

Keep it simple

To ensure your lone workers understand and follow your policy, you should keep it as concise and simple as possible. Use language they would understand and clearly outline what is expected of them. Clarity is important, so consider the layout of the document as well as the language used.

Update regularly

It is important that your policy is regularly updated whenever your risk assessment is reassessed or whenever you introduce new lone working policies, such as a new training course or implementing a lone worker solution.

Involve your lone workers

To get your lone workers on board with your new lone worker policy, you should consider involving them in all aspects of the process. Ask them to help you identify risks and suggest ways they would feel safer.

Once your lone working policy has been developed, consider holding a workshop or health and safety day where you can openly discuss why you have developed the policy and what has been put in place. Be sure to focus on a clear safety message and the benefits to your lone workers.

Be direct

While you want to encourage adoption by focusing on employee safety and wellbeing, you also need your employees to understand that the policies and procedures you have implemented are a requirement and non-optional.

Be direct in the language you use in your lone working policy. Avoid using words such as ‘you should’ or ‘you could’ which suggests a choice. Use ‘You must’ or ‘It is a requirement that…’

Your lone working policy will be developed as an extension of your lone working risk assessment. The policy document will include your risk assessment and the lone worker procedures you have put in place to reduce or eliminate the identified risks.

Lone working procedures

A lone worker procedure refers to a series of steps that need to be followed to work alone safely. You should document your lone worker procedures in your lone worker policy document.

You may find it useful to write a number of procedures suitable for different groups of employees so that they can digest the correct information easily.

Lone working procedure examples include:

  • How the lone worker should check in with their supervisor and how often
  • How and when to use any lone worker solutions, such as apps or devices
  • What to do in an emergency including evacuation procedures and who to contact
  • What to do when a client shows signs of aggression
  • What to do when unauthorized visitors attempt to enter a building where the employee is working alone

This is not an exhaustive list and many more scenarios will require a lone worker procedure. However, implementing as many procedures as necessary can save lives. This is why it is important that your procedures are made compulsory and you avoid any language that could suggest a choice such as ‘you should’ or ‘you could’.

When first introducing new work-alone procedures, it is important to provide briefing and training for your lone workers so that they know exactly what is expected of them. A written step-by-step guide should be distributed for them to refer to and it may be helpful to produce a safety checklist for your lone workers to follow until procedures become routine.

Chapter 7

How can I keep my lone workers safe?

Lone worker solutions are the means of helping to keep staff safe. Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, you must manage the risk to lone workers.

The HSE guidance for lone worker safety states that you must:

  • train, supervise and monitor lone workers
  • keep in touch with them and respond to any incident

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Types of lone worker solutions

Lone worker safety isn’t a new concept for health and safety professionals and the types of protection that businesses can offer staff are comprehensive. Historically companies have relied on diaries and buddy systems to keep in touch with lone workers. However, as with many industries, advancing technology is leading the way with regard to the solutions employers are choosing, leaving these manual methods outdated.

According to a recent Berg Insights Report, 20% of all lone worker solutions in Europe, and more than 40% in North America, are now app-based. This number is predicted to grow; worker safety devices based on GPS and cellular technology in Europe are expected to reach 1.1 million users at the end of 2022.

Typically, lone worker apps consist of the app itself, which has a range of functions including a panic button, GPS location, timed sessions, man-down alerts and check-ins. Employee activity and the location of staff whilst at work are monitored via a cloud-based hub where employers can respond to any alerts.

Lone worker apps

Lone worker apps are particularly suitable in the current climate because of how well they lend themselves to being trialled, rolled out and utilised by staff remotely. You now no longer need to be in the same room, or even the same country, to be able to roll out and use a product successfully.

Apps can be downloaded directly onto employees’ cells without the need for any additional equipment to be delivered. At a time when supply chains are likely to be majorly disrupted, this is a big advantage. Monitors can be trained to use a system remotely via WebEx and staff protected quickly. Alternatively, the monitoring of staff can be outsourced to professional monitoring firms that will handle any alerts.

Lone worker alarms are part of lone worker apps and wearable safety solutions. In emergency situations, lone workers need to be able to alert other staff and control centres to seek assistance. At times, especially when confronted by threatening transgressors, your employees will want to raise the alarm without being seen to do so. Our safety solutions include panic alarms which can be activated without being noticed by the person or persons confronting lone workers.

EcoOnline is at the forefront of the safety app revolution, having first entered the market in 2011. Now used by tens of thousands of employees across five continents, our easy-to-use app and monitoring hub allows lone workers to raise an alert in a range of situations while providing monitors with the accurate locations of employees while they work alone.

Why do businesses choose EcoOnline?

Organisations who choose our Lone Worker solution do so because iis so easy and simple to use, with no capital outla– mosemployees already use a mobile phone every day. It is scalable for use in any businessin anindustry – wwork with Ericsson to Oxfam and everyone in between.

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We also provide a full endtoend service  including innovative in-app training  to ensure you and your staff get the most from the app and are protected every day, throughout the day.

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