Electricity Emissions Factors - how to calculate electricity emissions (Test Breadcrumbs)[US]

Electricity Emissions Factors - how to calculate electricity emissions (Test Breadcrumbs)[US]

Published February 23, 2024

1 minute read

“Electricity consumption falls within an organisation’s Scope 2 emissions,” Brian says. “So, as part of our organisation’s GHG emissions report, we must use electricity emissions factors to calculate our total electricity emissions.”  

Brian is the Head of Sustainability at a manufacturing facility. Right now, he’s explaining how to calculate electricity emissions to the larger finance team who will be helping his team calculate the company's greenhouse gas emissions. This team plays a crucial role in this process because they have the skills needed to carry out complex calculations, and they hold the organisation’s financial bills and records.  

Are you struggling to understand the process of calculating your electricity emissions? Are you finding it difficult to locate the right electricity emissions factors that apply to your organisation’s region? We’ve got you covered!  

Keep reading to uncover how to:   

  • Gather the right data pertaining to your organisation’s electricity consumption 
  • Collect the right electricity emissions factors and global warming potentials  
  • Make the necessary calculations 

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