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Effortlessly comply with mandatory TCFD disclosure using TCFD Software

Simplify your organisation's alignment with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework, using our award-winning TCFD software powered by Ecometrica.

What makes our TCFD software, powered by Ecometrica, so special? Our reporting tool can combine data specific to your organisation’s location to automatically analyse all climate risks, as well as provide and calculate GHG accounting (including your Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions) to make sure you comply with all TCFD disclosure requirements.   

 “Ecometrica’s combination of expert analysts, intuitive software and integration with our internal systems allowed us to complete two years’ worth of global GHG accounts within 6 months and are reporting GHG emissions in our annual report one year ahead of our mandatory obligations.

Simon Lyons, Director of Marketing & Communications, Aggreko
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Where to begin with TCFD reporting?

Keeping track of all four TCFD pillar requirements and having the right systems in place to collect the data you need is a challenge. Not only do you need a deep understanding of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions and how to calculate them, but you also need to understand which TCFD climate risks to focus on according to your industry sector and geography.

Man collecting data for TCFD reporting

The Risks You Might Face

Without the right knowledge, you may be collecting inaccurate data which is prone to human error, while using extremely time-consuming processes to carry out your GHG reporting.

Introducing You to Our TCFD Software, Powered by Ecometrica

With our TCFD reporting software, you can make sure everything is accounted for with the help of our robust platform and a sustainability expert to guide you along the way! 

TCFD Reporting Software Tools with green arrow
  • Builds a solid foundation with the help of expert support 
  • Centralises all data in one platform 
  • Calculates Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions with ease 
  • Identifies climate risks based on your location 
  • Provides clear results that are audit ready

How our TCFD reporting tool works

It’s time to say goodbye to time-consuming manual spreadsheets, and hello to a digital TCFD reporting solution.

Strengthen Your Sustainability Performance with Deeper Insight

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Climate Scenarios

Assess various climate scenarios at the same time to gain greater insight into possible outcomes in the future and how they could affect your business.

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GHG Emissions Reporting

Complete your Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions with ease using our comprehensive emissions factor database and automated calculations.

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Integrated Reporting

Connect data points across all Environmental, Social, and Governance frameworks, including climate risks.

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TCFD Risk Assessor Software

Understand the effects of physical risks in terms of heat extremes, drought, flooding, and the rise of sea levels on your organisation or supply chain and how to manage them.

A global environmental platform enables PageGroup to capture environmental data from across the business in a way that requires fewer manual checks, reminders and spreadsheets in the process. The data input will allow us to enhance our external environmental reporting as well as to provide vital insight to our business.

Joanna Bonnett, Head of Sustainability, PageGroup plc.

Frequently asked questions

What is the TCFD?

Created in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures or TCFD is a reporting framework followed in many regions of the world including the European Union, Canada, and Japan to name a few. Its main goal is to allow organisations to see the impact they have on the environment, allowing them to make more sustainable choices in the future.  

What is TCFD reporting?

TCFD reporting is a standardised framework that organisations should follow when reporting their emissions. This is based on several recommendations according to the TCFD pillars to provide greater clarity to third parties (such as investors), exactly what their greenhouse gas emissions are, management of climate-related risks on their organisation, and how they plan to address these in the future.

What are the TCFD pillars?

There are four TCFD pillars: Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, and Metrics and Targets.  

Governance: Under the governance pillar, organisations must explain the role of leaders and management when it comes to analysing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities. 

Strategy: Here, all climate-related risks and opportunities must be identified and their impact on the organisation, in terms of future plans and finances, must be explained.   

Risk Management: The organisation must explain how they will manage the climate-related risks identified and their methods for aligning them with the company’s risk management procedures.  

Metrics and Targets: Under this pillar, organisations must reveal their GHG emissions values and what metrics and targets were used to analyse the climate-related risks and opportunities. 

Is the TCFD mandatory in the UK?

Yes! This has already been in effect for some companies as of April of 2022, when TCFD reporting became mandatory for all companies located in the United Kingdom with over 500 employees. In 2025, this will become mandatory for all companies.

What are greenhouse gases (GHG)?

Greenhouse gases are those which absorb heat from the sun, causing the atmosphere’s temperature to rise. They include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, peItrfluorocarbons, sulphur hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride. It’s important to be aware of what greenhouse gases your company is emitting by calculating your Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

What are Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions?

Greenhouse gas reporting includes your Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.  

Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from areas under your company’s control. This includes fuel used for office heating or energy needed to create equipment. 

Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions created from the generation of electricity, heat or cooling. 

Scope 3 emissions are all other indirect emissions which include employee commuting, business travel, and waste disposal to name a few.


Ready to simplify your TCFD disclosures?

Speak with one of our in-house sustainability experts today and discover how we can help simplify your TCFD disclosure processes, allowing you to stay compliant with reporting requirements. 

Get your questions answered

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