Harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Health and Safety [ehs]
Free webinar

Harnessing AI for Health & Safety

WATCH NOW: On Demand! 
Duration: 1Hr


Learn practical strategies for harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to drive operational excellence by joining our interactive discussion hosted by EcoOnline's Principal Product Director, Rob Leech, as he interviews experts in the world of AI solutions and answers your questions.

What we’ll cover: 

Explore the numerous ways AI is revolutionizing safety practices and empowering professionals like you, to navigate and improve today's complex EHS landscape with precision and efficiency

What you will take away.

  • Gain insight into the latest advancements in AI technology and its applications in EHS
  • Learn how AI-driven solutions can streamline compliance processes, risk assessment, incident management, and more
  • Discover new ways to leverage AI to enhance workplace safety and mitigate environmental risks
  • See live product demos of cutting-edge AI capabilities and virtual assistant tools designed to optimize EHS performance

Q&A Presenter

Rob Leech Profile-1

Rob Leech

Principle Product Director - EcoOnline